The event: Sexology. The theme: couple goals!
Who better than Connie Ferguson to speak to aspiring couples, on how to sustain a long, happy and healthy marriage. How to juggle being a mom, career-driven woman and wife all at the same time, while taking care of yourself and attending to your own needs!
Working as closely as she does with her husband and having a demanding schedule, whilst maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having all that time to work on her stunning body at 49, never mind the ‘fam-cations’ that give us all FOMO, its no wonder Connie and her husband are termed #couplegoals.
The queen was all to happy to confirm that nothing is as perfect or even easy as it may seem and shared on some of the challenges she has experienced that affected her relationship as well as how she dealt with time, resulting in where her and her husband are now as a couple.
What an honor it was for Connie Ferguson to be invited to her home town to speak at this auspicious event held to discuss matters that affect relationships! From the time of landing at the airport to reaching her destination for the event, she was received with warmth, love and appreciation. The audience was very receptive and realized that they too could relate on some issues. It was an overall enjoyable evening with the people of Gaborone and we look forward to being hosted again in Botswana!